Сургалтын хугацаа


Сургалтын цаг


Сургалтын хэлбэр

Онлайн, танхим

Хичээлийн нэр

БПА ажилтан нь техникийн ур чадвараас гадна МТ-ийн техникийн дэмжлэг үзүүлэх ажилтнууд нь үйлчлүүлэгчидтэй утсаар эсвэл мессенжерийн системээр дамжуулан ганцаарчилсан байдлаар шууд харилцах шаардлагатай байдаг тул “хувь хүний ур чадвар” эзэмшсэн байх шаардлагатай. Хувь хүний ур чадвар нь хүний хувийн зан чанар, нийгмийн ёс зүй, хэл ярианы чадвар, найрсаг байдал, хүн бүрийг өөрөөр нь хүлээн авах үзэл зэргээр тодорхойлогддог.

Effective BPO training requires a carefully developed plan that includes both self-study and live training. 

Module 1: -Empathy

Empathy nowadays is one of the most important soft skills you can have as an employee. To start, empathy is “largely understood as the ability to understand another’s pain, and to consider the complexity of issues behind another person’s perspective.” Being able to see another person’s motives and actions from their point of view is crucial to an organization’s overall success.

Module 2: - Customer-centricity

It’s a word we’ve been using for ages – and probably many others – without really thinking too much about it but rather using it as an obvious given in business. The first question: what does it mean to be customer-centric?

Most of us use it in the sense of putting the customer at the center. Realizing that, regardless of time, creating customer value and really putting customers first, beyond a simple customer focus, it generates most and longest lasting business value. In this sense it’s common language. Customer-centric. As in anthropocentric, egocentric, geocentric or heliocentric.

Module 3: - Communication Skills

Mastering communication skills means dealing and coping with a variety of tasks, customers, and scenarios. This is especially true for those employed by call centers. Customers rely on prompt, efficient, and courteous telephone service. Even if you work alone in a home-based office as a call center agent, keep in mind that you are part of a team. Your job requires you to deal with a variety of complaints, and engage in problem solving techniques that prompt positive and acceptable solutions to customer complaints.